Monday, March 28, 2011

About Me

Well I decided to start an online blog for a few reasons. I was newly diagnosed with MS last year and have made a huge transformation in getting myself from unhealthy to healthy and even 45 pounds lighter within a year. I have done so as naturally as possible through the wonderful support of my holistic physician, Scott Damanti, DC of the Natural Health Improvement Center in Tampa.  I have often shared tips, recipes, ideas and other things that have made me healthy with my friends, family & co-workers. I also love to cook, take pictures and be as thrifty as possible. So my blogs will incorporate a lot of these things in hopes of sharing some of my knowledge with others to live a healthier lifestyle.

It's amazing how much of an Earth Mama I have become without even realizing it. I now try to be as organic as possible, even when I garden, when before I really couldn't care one way or another. I was never taught the true importance of food and how it affects our wonderfully complex bodies. I always ate whatever I wanted, never really truly knowing how it could affect my health. 

Some would look at MS being this horrible thing to be diagnosed with. Yes it is a dis-ease, but it is because of this diagnosis that brought me to my wake up call that I needed. It was way past time to pay attention to my body and change what I was doing and do it as natural and safe as possible. I have done so willingly and feel stronger and better that I have in my life. I have a beautiful family whom I love very much. Not only have I made these changes with my eating habits with myself, but with both my husband and my daughter. Having this support system made a huge difference in our overall health. 

Lastly, I am a huge believer in the Power of Positive Thinking. This belief has helped me overcome many obstacles including my diagnosis. I live my life with this belief and try to spread my positivity as frequently as I can. I will be sharing this energy through my blogs. 

Positively Me,


1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Proud of you! Just wished we lived closer to garden together!
